Easter is a very sweet, calm bunny. He was abandoned by a family who got him for a child. When they moved away they left him behind in the garden in North Vancouver. Scroll down to see a video of Easter!
The neighbour saw that he was abandoned and kept an eye on him. She fed him and built a little shelter for him. However, she could not take him in as she has two large, predatory cats. So she called us when the weather got really nasty and one of our good volunteers went to pick him up.
Easter was super easy to catch. The good samaritan simply picked him up and our volunteer transported him to the shelter. He is a neutered male and a friendly boy. Easter will be a fine little house bunny and happy to be inside out of the cold. He’s good with his litter box and appreciates toys to chew and toss around. If you would like to adopt Easter, please apply today!
Dolly is the cutest little lop eared bunny. She is probably half dwarf. Dolly was found near Deep Cove on Dollarton Highway and is a lucky girl to be found by a rabbit lover. She was easy to pick up and save and has come to us where she is doing well. We think she is only about 6 months old and she is going to be spayed this week.
Dolly is curious and friendly and already good with her litter box. She will make a good companion bunny and may like a bunny buddy. If you would like to adopt Dolly, please apply today!
Fern and Finnigan found each other while at a foster home. They are both big rabbits with calm temperament. Fern is probably a NZ or Flemish cross in a brown agouti coat that is very soft. She is shy but warms up when she feels secure. Fern is about 4 years old.
Finnigan is a spotted tan and white male who is probably a Rex cross. He is a senior bunny. Sometimes he is grumpy but mostly he is calm and likes a head rub.
This pair is for someone who likes big bunnies. They are good with their litter box and not destructive rabbits. They would benefit from space to run around. The previous home made them too fat. They have slimmed down. But their diet should be controlled. If you would like to adopt them, please apply today!
Milton is a young, black rabbit with lots of attitude. He came as a small baby rabbit and was a real sweetie. As he grew up he became very territorial and we had to separate him from his male buddy, Truffle. Milton is a lively, interesting rabbit but he is prone to biting. He has become less so with the man of his foster family so it could be that he prefers men.
This rabbit needs a home with someone who understands rabbits and will enjoy his feisty nature. He is good with his litter and not a big chewer. When he was in the shelter he would accept petting on his terms so he is not all bad. Rabbits like Milton can be very rewarding and we hope a bunny lover will find him. If you would like to adopt Milton, please apply today!
Meet these adorable devoted sisters, Twilight & Stream!
These two girls date of birth is April 4, 2022. They came into VRRA July 20, 2022 with their mother and siblings. Twilight (black female) has a fun outgoing personality – she loves to come up to you and play for treats. She will nip/nudge is she feel you aren’t paying enough attention to her. Stream (grey/silver female) can be shy but likes to snuggle with her sister. Stream had to have one eye removed due to EC. She is completely recovered and healthy now. Stream will come up to you if you are sitting down, for head pets.
They are free roaming in their current home – a loving foster home with two children. They love to do zoomies and binkies in the evenings and run to the kids rooms to say goodnight. These two are confident and will run up and down stairs. They enjoy their chew toys and are very well behaved. They have very good litter skills. We would love for this pair to find their furever home! If you would like to adopt them, please apply today!
Meet a very unexpected bonded pair, Libby and Barnaby.
Barnaby is a handsome hotot cross who came in as a stray to our local shelter. He was then transferred to VRRA where he was living the good life in a foster home as a bachelor until an attractive young lionhead girl came to stay at the same foster home and it was love at first sight. So now they are looking for a home together.
Barnaby estimated to be around a year old. He’s curious and playful and good with his litterbox. He can nip when cornered so experienced homes only please. No small children.
Libby, the love of his life is a brown and white lionhead and was found abandoned with her family. She’s extremely sweet and loving. Was quick to learn how to use her litter box. Very curious.
They would love a space that would allow them to free roam. Both are partial to treats and are not picky eaters.
Both are in a foster home with respectful dogs, Guinea pigs and rabbits. As always proper introductions would need to be made. All animal personalities are different.
A lovely pair of rabbits for the right home. If you would like to adopt Barnaby and Libby, please apply today!
Lucky is a two-year-old white lop who enjoys cuddles despite his unfortunate start in life. He was surrendered with a missing eye after a cat attack early in his life while out for exercise.
He has been neutered and his eye socket is now sealed and healed. Lucky is an adorable rabbit who was beloved in his former home. Unfortunately his family had to part with him due to Ill health.
Lucky enjoys nightly salads of different lettuces, kale, and herbs. In addition a full box of hay is eaten daily. Lucky is very good with his litterbox habits and is a happy rabbit overall.
He is a super soft and very loving boy and will make a wonderful family member. If you would like to adopt Lucky, please apply today!
Rocket is a new welcome addition to the VRRA family. This handsome, 4 to 5 year old guy is a tremendous house rabbit and is looking for room to roam and share your life!
After zooming and binkying around he’ll flop down for a well earned nap. His favourite foods are parsley and a lettuce mix. He’ll be your friend for life for a sliver of banana!
Could Rocket be your heart bun? The strong, silent type? If so, please apply today!
Ryan is an amazing rabbit! Yet another stray from the Fraser valley, he was caught by a kind rescuer. Ryan is outgoing, friendly and is an all round great rabbit. He is affectionate, playful and loves attention.
Favourite foods: lettuce, cilantro, parsley, not a picky eater.
He would love a home that gives him an active lifestyle and lots of love. He’s loved by everyone he meets at the shelter. Come meet him! If you would like to adopt Ryan, please apply today!
Meet Frankie, a handsome, curious, friendly mini Rex. If you’re looking for a young active and interactive rabbit, look no further!
Frankie came to VRRA as a stray on Christmas Eve 2024. He’d been hanging around in Chilliwack for at least two months. His kind rescuer gained his trust by feeding him and eventually catching him.
Frankie is a foody, loves his romaine lettuce and a variety of herbs. He likes to keep himself busy and loves attention.
We’re not sure how he is with other animals but he’s so chill, with proper introductions he should be okay.
I cannot emphasize how outgoing and friendly he can be. If you would like to adopt him, please apply today.